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Interim IT Management

Hexaport has 20+ years of experience in managing IT teams. Skills to manage IT experts, do executive tasks such as preparing annual budget proposals and evaluating Request for Proposals on IT Services, Building Video Surveillance and Data Backup and Retention Services.

Providing Stability and Productivity During Change and Transition

Hiring an interim IT manager is a great solution to bridge the gap between finding and recruiting a new full-time IT manager. We offer these interim services on-site (part-time) or as a virtual IT director or CIO/CTO.
It provides peace of mind in a stressful situation and allows your organization to remain agile and competitive while searching for a long-term replacement. 
At Hexaport, we've provided our clients with expert interim IT management services for over two decades, offering invaluable knowledge and experience that has allowed organizations to make swift transitions without sacrificing their current needs or goals. Our highly experienced IT professionals can be trusted to handle any issue or project you have on hand effectively.
With an interim IT manager from Hexaport, you don't just get access to a talented and knowledgeable professional; you receive consultation and guidance from someone familiar with the current trends and practices in the industry, allowing them to quickly identify potential solutions and create effective strategies for long-term growth.
Additionally, they offer insight into cost savings and optimization opportunities that may have gone unnoticed. Filling the void left by an outgoing IT manager is never easy, but having an experienced interim IT manager on board will ensure that everything runs smoothly during the transition period.
As technology evolves, having the right person at the helm is vital if you want to stay ahead of the competition. With Hexaport's extensive background in providing high-quality interim IT management services, you can rest assured that your operations will continue running smoothly without interruption.

Interim CTO reviewing budgetsnalysis
Offering interim IT management support to Canadian companies
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